Saturday, February 21, 2009

..public transports open book of knowledge..

...i took the the train today..i love hate public transports..since my husband has been my faithful driver (shhhh) sending and picking me up whereever and whenever i want to go, has limited my travelling by public transports..and I am not complaining...never.. i want to share a small maybe..minute event that happened in the train but make me feel touched and content..and happy..

..a mother of late 40s whacking her maybe 5 years daughter had caught my attention..

..i am very furious to see the incidence and maybe might interfere if the woman did not stop whacking that small thin frame of that girl..

..she was brave..i looked , a glanced maybe, she pulled her face away from my eyes..

..her eyes watered..but did not spill..

..she must have taken whacking numerously in her life..but it did make her sad..

..again i glanced and throw a smile..a grin maybe..

..this time she looked at me ..

..i slipped to stand next to her..and gently brush her hand with my side of my body..she looked up..her mother or grandmother is a bit further than us..I smile again..

..she smile too..she has these cute little teeth..with cute nose..with beautiful eyes..
..she will be gorgeous soon.. words were exchanged except we kept smiling..

..and before she stepped out from the train..she waved at me...

..and the feeling is priceless...

the trust..the beliefs..the perception of that girl is not deterred by the abusive whacking from that woman..yes, she will survive..she might be someone important..i hope..or prayed..

i am content

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