Sunday, June 30, 2013

family cant choose your family... but it is true...are you are lucky if you have a "perfect" siblings ? not sure what is a "perfect siblings", mine is unique for my understandings.. the eldest..very authoritative..I supposed she has to..since 5 under her is naughtier and she will be the one responsible and to be blamed if five others creating nuisances of themselves.. my brother who thinks he should be the eldest..will always has the cat fights with her my other brother..closest to me..we have our thinks we are the best set.. my younger sister..who should be elder than me..and acted she is always better than me..where I dont mind.. my youngest brother..who is trouble..and can get away with anything... now..we are in our fifties and forties..... nope...nobody changed... oh, me...the most stubborn..who will not listen to any advice..any guidelines...and will always solved any problems by my mom know dad now this..and all of them knew this..and yet I know they love me the same... and that is family..

Thursday, June 27, 2013


umur mengenjak enjak ke angka 5...sudah barangtentu makin matang dan makin tahu selok belok alam pekerjaan. siapa yang boleh menerka kadang kadang serangan hormon tua menganggu perjalanan perasaan yang patut matang apa lagi patut faham. tiba tiba rasa mau lari dan terus pulang dan berselubung gelap di dalam rumah. esok lusa hati pun jadi pasrah pada takdir dan hormon tua menjadi stabil dan terus menerima apa jua tekanan dengan baik dan sabar. puncanya kawan kawan rapat yang suka sangat memberi berbagai pandangan yang mewajarkan kita sebentar berfikir dan membuat keputusan yang lebih adil pada diri dan suasana. beruntunglah bagi aku juga mereka mereka yang sering di beri nasihat percuma ikhlas dari hati mereka. Alhamdulillah....