Monday, September 22, 2008

NO. 2 PLANNING of Public Relations process


- Second step in PR process
- Before any PR activity can be implemented, it is important to know in what sequence to
accomplish an organization’s objective
- PR planning should be strategic

Different Kinds of PR Plans

Ad Hoc Plans
-Latin phrase means ‘for this purpose only’
-The plan is important but it’s temporary

Standing Plans
-wise organizations have on- going & long- term plans to nurture relationships

Contingency Plans
-Plans that are used for ‘what if’ scenarios
-Through scanning & monitoring, organizations often spot issues that may require action
-A smart organization prepares a contingency plan to overcome the issue

Elements of a Program Plan

-Valid objectives cannot be set without a clear understanding of the situation that led to the conclusion that a PR program was needed

-3 kinds of situation:
1)The organization must conduct a remedial program to overcome a problem that negatively affect the organization
2) The organization needs to conduct a specific one- time project
3) The organization wants to reinforce an ongoing effort to preserve reputation & public support

-2 kinds:
1)Informational objectives
2)Motivational objectives

-PR programs should be directed toward specific & defined audiences/ publics
-Target specific publics within a ‘general public’

-A strategy statement describes how, in concept, an objective is to be achieved, providing guidelines & themes for overall program
-Should state key themes & messages

-The specific activities that put the strategies into operation & help to achieve the stated objectives
-Involves using the tools of comm. to reach primary & secondary audiences with key messages

1)The timing of a campaign
2)Scheduling of tactics
3)Compiling a calendar

1)Staff time
2)Out- of- pocket (OOP) expenses

-Evaluation criteria should be realistic, credible, specific & in line with client or employer expectations

Why Do We Plan? (Why planning ?)

-To keep actions in line with organization’s values
-To help control destiny
-To help better understand & focus research
- To help achieve consensus
-To allow effective management of resources

(to be continue with no 3 - COMMUNICATION on next posting)

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